More reasons to boycott big tech

Some cockiness from big tech giant facebook I heard from the Guardian.

Here’s the passage that struck a chord;

““such unassailable market positions that rivals can no longer compete on equal terms,” said the CMA. Weak competition in search and social media leads to less innovation and “consumers giving up more data than they would like”. And, if the £14bn – or £500 per household – is being inflated by lack of competition, consumers may be paying more than they should for hotels, flights, electronic gadgets, books, insurance and other goods.”

That speaks volumes.

RE “such unassailable rivals can no longer compete on equal terms”=monopoly. &

“Consumers giving up more data than they’d like”. Cocky shitbags! They’ve immediately shot themselves in the foot & given alternative platforms an edge. Privacy is a selling point. There’s viable platforms that don’t track. Find them!

Here’s the link to the original article quoted from;

Boycott big tech companies

Hopefully what I’ve showed will help destroy the profits of Google and Facebook, let them know they’ve gone too far. Seek platforms that give you the services but don’t track you. There’s tons out there. If enough people stop giving the big tech companies attention, their profits WILL fall, they’ll PANIC and either a) buck their ideas up or b) sink to lower levels. They only have poewr because YOU give it to them due to inertia, habit and lack of awareness of alternatives. That’s it.

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