I suggest giving users options other than the Guttenburg editor

If not, users will turn to platforms that give users the choice. LISTEN to complaints instead of arrogance ‘we’re the world’s to website builder’. Simply give us a choice, or we’ll turn to platforms that allow us (you’ve given your competitors a selling point). We users ARE NOT STUPID!

We don’t like cocky big business

Arrogance is not acceptable. We suggest you LISTEN to your users. Without users, no adverts, no money. Glorified advertising haording.

If you try to cancel

Too late. Complaints are out there. Your ‘authority’ means nothing. Failure to acknowledge.

If I see this is censored

It tells me and everyone, you’re not about free speech, you’re about MONEY & POWER, monopoly.

I know where your head offices are (so do other users & customers)

Mountain View California (so do many of your users).

I suggest giving the customer what they want (choice)

Choice of what editor to use.

Customer is king

Without users, no ads, no money. If people lose trust in WordPress and turn to competing platforms that meet their needs, your income will drop as people switch. You’re a business, it’s a free market.

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