Where’s the thought for single people during COVID lockdowns?

Have you noticed in the media everything is all about how the lockdowns have brought families closer together, how couples are spending more time together YET there’s ZERO MENTION about people who’re ALREADY LONELY and isolated. Sure, it’s a good thing that having time off work affects those people.

What about those who want to meet new people?

For people who’re single, people who want to meet new people, people who haven’t got many friends, people who want ot make more friends, the ‘social distancing (grr HATE that word PHYSICAL DISTANCING!)/physical distancing is like DEATHE SENTENCE to any hopes of meeting new people.

It’s bad enough not being able to pop round a friend’s place or go for a walk. Having a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR written off!


The fact that people who’re single and/or lonely are not even ACKNOWLEDGED, is bad enough, but when you look around you in public and all you see is saccharine teenage couples walking and biking, combined with all this, it RUBS IT IN like salt in a wound. All this talk about people being closer than ever REALLY RUBS IT IN. All this talk about how it’s bringing families closer, it RUBS IT IN for people who’re single. Rather than criticising people for feeling jealous ACKNOWLEDGE, put yourself in shoes THINK BACK TO WHEN YOU WERE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION!!

People who’re single are forgotten about

They don’t exist (especially in England), everyone’s expected to have a partner, a family and their own little close clique.

The ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ are rubbed-in more than ever.

The ‘haves’ those who have someone with them to meet-up with, those who have partners, housemates, partners outside the house. The ‘have-nots’; people who live alone, people who’re single.

When you Google around, why are most complaints from women? Why don’t more men be open?

Simple, because it’s less socially-acceptable for men to complain about loneliness or anything emotion-related because it’s seen as ‘being a pussy’ (fuck that shit). This is a big part about why there’s such little acknowledgement of single people, we need to get the OTHER HALF of the population opening-up (not spilling guts & begging for approval as the misconception goes) but talking about the experience of loneliness, envying people, not having anyone to talk to & meet-up with, in the same boat simply acknowledging.

STOP THIS FUCKING ‘STIFF UPPER LIP’ NONSENSE! There’s a time & a place (the army, the farm, the fishing boat).

How do we do that?

It’s OK to be voicing feelings of loneliness, experiences of being single, not getting to meet new people, feelings of envy of those people who have it, talking about our circumstances.

C’est tout

Ok, I’m done. ‘m sick of the media banging on about how people are being brought closer together, how couples are being brought closer together, there being no mention of single people, people who want to make friends and meet new people. All those saccharine teenage couples you see, when you’re in a situation like I’ve described+the media banging on about people being closer, it really does rub it in and feels like THERE’S NO-ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD that feels the same. Moral is, you’re not alone.

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